Are you and your best buds on the Prom planning committee? Do you know Prom is only a month or two away?
If you answered YES to both questions, you know that it’s time to actually sell Prom tickets to your classmates. Seems easy, right? Yes and no. Most students will be lining up to buy Prom tickets, but most Prom committees need to sell a minimum number of tickets for budget reasons or to comply with Prom venue safety regulations. Use these 9 ideas to meet your minimum and sell Prom tickets to every classmate.
1. Custom invitations are the traditional way to let students know about Prom and when to buy tickets. Think that sounds too formal for your fellow classmates who are more interested in IMing their BFFs than a paper Prom invite? It doesn’t have to be formal. There are a lot of not-so-formal trendy invites out there that will get students excited for Prom.

2. In addition to a classy, formal invite, send out digital Save-the-Date reminders. This is the perfect way to spread the word about Prom. All you need is an exciting design and a list of students’ email addresses. A quick reminder will get procrastinating classmates to your Prom ticket lines.
3. Go big with your Prom promotions with banners. Hang and display custom vinyl banners all over school (your front lobby, cafeteria, gymnasium, hallways) to announce your Prom date and theme, or use banners as a countdown during the week before Prom. There should be no excuse for short ticket lines when students are surrounded by all that Prom info.

4. Harness the power of “word of mouth.” Once you and your Prom committee have made a decision about your Prom theme, entertainment, and the date, all you have to do is tell a few classmates and word will spread fast. Your ticket lines (and Prom attendee list) will be longer.
5. Get the word out that there will be door prizes on Prom night, or prizes for the first ten students who buy Prom tickets. This a great way to add more excitement to Prom. Prizes can range from swag bags and T-shirts to bigger prizes, like gift cards or electronics. The prospect of winning a prize is sure to increase Prom attendance.
6. Don’t forget to remind fellow students of your Prom date and the last day to buy tickets with e-mailed announcements. Electronic reminders are especially useful in the last month and weeks leading up to Prom.
7. Traditional P.A. announcements during the school day are a nice, personal touch because students will actually hear a friendly teenage voice reminding them to buy their tickets and keep reinforcing your Prom date.
8. If your school has a Facebook or Twitter page, post important information about Prom night on these social media sites. You may reach a lot more students by posting about the last day to buy tickets on the Internet, and more tickets will be sold.

9. Get your fellow classmates involved with Prom planning with a student survey. Get their input on music they want the D.J. to play, a dessert option, photo op ideas, and more. Interactive elements like a survey will get more students in your ticket lines.
Use these fun ideas to increase attendance at your high school prom. Need help planning? Shop now.