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King and Queen Homecoming Set - Sharona Tiara/Metallic Crown

Give your special Homecoming King and Queen a stylish look for their Homecoming reign with this Sharona Tiara/Metallic Crown King and Queen Homecoming Set. Ordering your royalty accessories in a set like this not only is a budget-friendly decision, it's also a time-saver if you need it quickly. The complete royalty set includes one Sharona Tiara (2 1/4") for your Queen, one Metallic Crown for your King, one King sash, one Queen sash, and two buttons. It's easy to customize the set for your school, too! Simply choose your color(s) for the crown, sashes, and buttons to match your school colors.

Purchase components separately
Royal Metallic Gold Crown with Black Fur
Royal Metallic Gold Crown with Black Fur

Price: $46.29
