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Mirabella Queen and Gold Alisa Tiara 5-Piece Set

This Mirabella Queen and Gold Alisa Court Tiara Set features all the sparkle you want for your Prom, Homecoming, or Winter Formal Queen and her court without the high price tag. The silver and gold ladies' royalty set includes our dazzling 2 7/8" high silver Mirabella Tiara for your Queen and four 1 1/2" high Gold Alisa Tiaras for the members of her court. Each tiara is created with shiny metal and beautiful, radiant clear rhinestones to make your royalty shine. Save money and time by purchasing this stunning set of tiara keepsakes for your Queen and her court.

Purchase components separately
Mirabella Tiara
Mirabella Tiara

Price: $28.99

Gold Alisa Tiara
Gold Alisa Tiara

Price: $20.99
